As per the latest trend, people are getting attracted to the growing sector of writing blogs. So they are searching for how to make money blogging. Many people find it an easy way to make money, while some don’t even consider it as a career and not as a way to make money.

If you consider it as a hobby, an interest or a diversion blogging has been in talks for being an interesting and effective way to make money for many. Many people have chosen to quit their jobs and start their carriers as bloggers to earn a handsome amount to support their financial needs. The ease that you get with a career as a blogger is something that is a dream for many. You have your own time, your own mood, your own space to write by being your own boss. What more can anyone ask for?

Make Money Blogging isn’t Simple

Till now, we all have fallen in love with this glittery sector, but like its numerous benefits, it also has a darker side. Blogs require you to be witty, innovative, and unique in terms of writing and presentation. You cannot be boring and monotonous in your approach. And certainly, blogging for money or make money blogging by doing the same thing, again and again, is not possible. Many new bloggers step in the sector with a hope to start making money instantly, but like any other field, this too requires patience. It takes a lot of work with blogging for money to reach out to people and spreading your stems. Don’t just consider your blogs as a way to make money but a source to reach out to many people. We, with this article, are trying to let you know why is making money blogging hard. If you are thinking of taking a swim in this ocean to get pearls, well, we suggest you give this a read first and then take a call. If you want to know how to make money blogging, then we are giving reasons why it would be hard to make money blogging:

1. Picked A Wrong Niche

Most of the newbies pick a niche that can pay high. But ask yourself, can you prove your expertise? Every niche works if you are writing informative and useful content. Traffic will salve your blog. Most bloggers think popular niches can bring huge traffic in a short time. It may be a case with you, but not for all. Traffic is only possible users are convinced. You can pick any niche. Justify yourself. Publish content after thorough research. Keep your eyes on the competition. Setup Google Analytics and do traffic analysis.

2. No Concrete Business Model

As every entrepreneur says, it is important to have a solid business model to run a business, but the case is different from blogging for money. Like any other business, you don’t have an intended customer base, resources, product, etc. you don’t have a plan or design in blogging. The thing that you should put focus on is making and growing connections in the initial stage, keeping the money factor aside for some time.

3. No Connection with the Audience

Well, if you want to be rich overnight, then blogging for money is not certainly the right thing to do. Blogging is not a money printing machine but a path to get connected to people. The idea to start earning money from the day you launch yourself is just a virtual truth. If make money blogging is your prime goal, then you must try your hands with some magic. We guess.

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4. Not the Right Questions

We all believe that we always do the right things, and it is the fault of others if anything is going the other way out. Rather than asking how you can make money or drive traffic with highly engaged, the question of concern should be how you can improve your blog or writing skills that can win you as many people you want.

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People expect some kind of magic to happen that they can get a rain of money on them with many people liking them, but this requires complete attention with sheer hard work.

5. Working on Free Blogging Platform

Almost every blogger starts a free blog to save money. Where they get very limited options to make money and SEO. After some time, they recognize it’s not all good at all. does not allow you to place Ads for free. But BlogSpot (Google Blogger) allows placing AdSense ads. It’s SEO friendly for experts but not for learners. Doing on-page SEO is a little bit difficult where keyword density plays a vital role. Checking keyword density is a very time taking process. Adding rich snippets to blog posts will be possible but with the help of technical expertise. If you can start your blog with little investment, then you must opt for Self-hosted WordPress. That can give you full control over your blog. You can do everything on your blog to make money and SEO. If you do not have a blog for money, then you can stick to Google Blogger (Blogspot). It’s an awesome blogging platform to share your point of view. At least a custom domain on a free Blogspot website can help you to maintain professional decorum.

6. Serving Low-Quality Content

You must serve high-quality content. It helps to engage and retain users coming from different channels. The secret of a low bounce rate is high-quality content. Google looks for high-quality content that is engaging users. You can post daily or weekly or monthly, but users only want useful and detailed information.

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Thus, start writing well-researched articles with a unique presentation. Never ignore adding references from top-ranking blogs to build trust among new users. Content should be typo-free. Write short paragraphs, make bullet points, and add headings to improve readability.

7. Do not Know SEO and Keyword Research

Online content is not similar to offline content. Publishing content online requires proper keyword research. High-Quality, unique content will never rank in Google if no keyword is present in the content body. Most of the newbies publish content in their own words, but they should publish content in words of users. Because users search your content in search engines and come to your site. They use their words to search for your content, not yours. If you know what users are searching for, then you will rank higher, and quality content will engage and retain them. Keyword research is hardly 30 minutes job. But it can attract and retain a high volume of traffic. You may choose long-tail keywords to drive more organic traffic from search engines. Must do on-page SEO. WordPress users can use Yoast SEO plugins.

8. Wrong Money Making Approach

Many bloggers have a huge amount of traffic but no worth. They are using the wrong approach to make money. How your blog can monetize it depends on your niche and target audience. As a blogger, you can earn through- Before implementing, AdSense must do heat map analysis. It will help you a lot to know where you should place ads. Sponsored posts can be a source of earning, but still content should be useful to your audience. Otherwise, users will leave you because they will only get information about promotional products or services. Affiliate marketing can work for some blogs, but not for all. It needs different channels apart from your blog to grow and earn more and more. People tell and talk about affiliate marketing but never share their secrets about how they are selling products to earn the commission. I recommend to try out most monetization options to know which one can help you to earn after knowing that stick with only one.

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Every article should have keywords, and it will start ranking. But apart from on-page SEO high-ranking web page takes the help of backlinks. Every blog post needs links, and it helps Google to identify your content is useful to others. Doing keyword research and publishing content brings traffic, but content with backlinks can bring huge traffic. So, do not forget to build links for each blog post.

10. Less Content Structure

The content structure must be well organized. Suppose your blog is about how to make money online. Then blog categories can be “blog setup”, “blog design”, “SEO,” and so on. Each category can have sub-categories. These are linking each other. Everything is organized. It helps users as well as search engine bots to understand where content is and what it is about. The result is content ranks well in search engines.


These are some of the wrong impressions that people have with blogging for money. Making money is a good option for blogging only if you are doing all the right things. Don’t just fall into the trap of taking a shortcut for making money but instead, use your brains and put in a lot of hard work and dedication to win a replaceable place in the industry. Readers will love to read you when you put yourself into writing blogs rather than just writing them as an option to make money. You may have to deal with some initial struggles, but what will come as a reward for you will be worth the wait and your efforts. Let us know if this article was of any help to you. Also, comment on the misconceptions you had about blogging earlier and how you have understood what the reality is.

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