In a recent study, researchers found that a program called Duplicate Finder can help you find duplicates in your files faster and more accurately than traditional search methods. The program uses algorithms to identify similar files and then compares them to help you determine which ones are actually related. If you find any of the files to be duplicates, you can delete them using the program’s instructions.

Make a backup of all your data before you start this process just in case. Once you are certain the correct data was deleted, then you can get rid of the original backup.

NirSoft SearchMyFiles

NirSoft’s SearchMyFiles is a great tool for finding files and folders on your computer. It has a lot of filters that let you search by any of these criteria, making it the perfect tool for finding files and folders that you need quickly.

Duplicate files are a common problem on computers. This program can help you find and delete them. ..

Next, you choose the type of search you want to perform. There are three types: file, folder, and file and folder. File searches only for files in the current directory. Folder searches all files in the current directory and any subdirectories. File and folder searches include both files and folders. Finally, you choose how many results to return. By default, they return five results per page. If you want to limit the number of results returned, then use the filters.

Windows 7 includes a feature that allows you to search for duplicates of photos. If the photos are the same size, Windows 7 will consider them duplicate. ..

This search method is good, but it can be difficult to find the same photo with different names or different sizes. I also had trouble finding documents with the same contents and even the same name, but they were slightly different in size. If they also had files with the same name even if they have different sizes, it would have been easier to find what you’re looking for.

Some search engines are more specific than others when it comes to what they’re looking for. If you want to find a specific document, you might want to try one of the more specific search engines like Google or Yahoo.

Duplicate Cleaner

Duplicate Cleaner Free is a better option than NirSoft’s utility because it has more advanced options for search criteria. First, you have to choose whether you want to find files with the same content or if you want to ignore the content. Then you can also choose options like Same File Name, Similar File Names and Same Size. ..

You can use these criteria to perform more complicated searches for duplicates like searching for all files with the same name, size, and content.

Once you choose the search criteria, you then have to add the search locations. Go ahead and navigate to the folder and then click the little arrow button to move that folder to the Search Paths side.

In the Duplicate Files or Duplicate Folders sections, you will see a list of files that have been duplicated. If you click on one of these files, it will show you how to remove it from your computer.

Now to get rid of the files, you have to click on the little magic wand icon next to Selection Assistant, click on Mark, then Select by group, then select All but one file in each group.

Duplicate files will be marked with a red circle, and the circular File Removal icon will be available at the top. You can delete duplicates by clicking on the icon. You can also mark files with different criteria, but this is the easiest way to get rid of duplicates. ..

You may have also noticed the Image Mode and Audio Mode under Search Criteria and both work very well, but not all of the features are free. The image mode option is the best, but it requires you to purchase the Pro version for $30. I would highly recommend the Pro for anyone who really has to deal with a ton of duplicates including photos and audio files because I used it and it saved me a lot of time the free version could not accomplish. ..

With image mode, you can find similar images even if they have a different resolution or have been rotated or flipped. Audio mode will let you search for duplicate songs by metadata for free, but if you want to compare the actual audio data, you’ll have to purchase the Pro version. ..

Fast Duplicate File Finder

If you’re looking for duplicates that are similar but not exactly the same, Fast Duplicate File Finder is a good choice. The free version will let you find unlimited similar files, but only 10 groups of identical files. The identical files functionality is quite useful since it can help you find documents like Word docs that are exactly the same in terms of content, but for some reason have different sizes and other slight variations. ..

The free version of Duplicate Finder does a good job of finding duplicates, but it is a bit high in price.

To search for duplicates in your folders, just click the Add Folder button at the top, and then choose your search method. By default, the free version will give unlimited results for 100% Equal Files, which means they have to be the exact same size. ..

This program would not show me the two Word files that had the same name and had the same contents because they were slightly different in size. When I chose the Similar Files option and set the Similarity value to 75%, then it showed them correctly. However, it will only show you 10 groups of similar files in the free version, which is kind of annoying.

The program is good for duplicating pictures, videos, and audio files. It is not as effective when it comes to documents. ..


Anti-Twin is a good duplicate finder that has a clean interface and doesn’t bombard you with ads. It doesn’t quite catch all the duplicate documents unless you search by identical file name. Usually with documents, it’s rare that you’ll have duplicates with a different name, so these programs will still work for most people. ..

In Anti-Twin, you have to choose from either one or two folders and then from a couple of options. If you have two folders under a main folder, then you can simply choose the top-level folder as a base folder and then check the Include subfolders box. You would then select Only files in different subfolders for comparison.

If you have two folders that are in different locations, choose one as the main folder and then check the 2nd folder box and choose the second folder as another base folder. Then you would check the Only files in different basic folders box. You can also select Compare all files to compare everything in the base folders and/or subfolders to each other. ..

For Comparison methods, you can either Compare names or Compare content or compare both. Note that if you check both boxes, the comparison will before an AND operation meaning that both criteria will need to match in order for it to show as duplicate.

If you have two images that are the same, but one is of lower resolution, you can compare content by clicking Compare Content and then clicking the Compare Images (pixels) radio button.

I had two files with the same name, but different sizes due to the resolution. When you reduce the match percentage, you’ll see a new checkbox called inc. 100%, which basically will show you the pictures that are exact duplicates also. Otherwise, you’ll only see the ones that are similar, but not exact matches.

The four programs that have different advantages and disadvantages are:

  1. The original Windows XP program: This is the most popular program and it is free. It can remove viruses, malware, and other infections from your computer.
  2. The Windows 7 program: This is a newer version of the XP program that has been updated to work with Windows 7. It has a lot of features that the XP program didn’t have, such as support for multiple languages and more features in the software itself.
  3. The Mac OS X Yosemite program: This is a new version of the XP program that was released in October of 2014. It has many new features and it is also free to use.
  4. The Android 4.4 Jelly Bean program: This is a new version of the XP program that was released in November of 2014. It has many new features and it is also free to use