Managed file transfer software need…
Here are six reasons why you may want to consider MFT.
The security of your data is paramount
You need the extra security of MFT if you don’t want your files exposed to the public. Classified information, proprietary designs or legal communication are just some of the things you may want to keep under wraps. Some information also needs to be kept secure under regulatory standards like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Sarbanes‐Oxley Act (SOX), the Gramm‐ Leach‐Bliley Act (GLBA), the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) and Basel II.
You transfer significant amounts of data daily
If sending files is a major business process, automation makes a lot of sense. Manual methods are prone to error since people may place files in the wrong folder or send them to the wrong address. They may even accidentally delete them. The higher the volume, the more room for mistakes. If you upload and download processes are automatic, there is a reduced opportunity for human error.
You transfer large files
If you’re transmitting large files, you will need MFT. Once files exceed 500mb, they can take a long time to transfer via FTP. Using an accelerated file transfer solution will maintain the integrity and security of your information while transmitting it at a faster pace.
You need to know when your files are delivered
MFT solutions often offer guaranteed delivery. This means the sender will be notified that the file was correctly received by the recipient. This is a requirement for some types of businesses.
Analytics are important to you
MFT allows you to monitor system connections and transfers almost on a real-time basis. This allows better control over the process and makes it easier to analyze and report back.
You want to improve efficiency
Once the necessary automation rules are in place, an MFT solution can help to free up some of your IT resources. It reduces the time needed to set up and manages various users and connections. If any of these relate to your business operations, you may want to get managed file transfer software. Many employers purchase Ipswitch software, Globalscape EFT Cloud Services or Citrix ShareFile Business, to name a few options. Many businesses want to move large volumes of data securely and in keeping with regulatory requirements. These systems can help improve the security of any files you transfer between users, systems, customers, and partners. They give you greater visibility and control over all the data you transfer, all in one location. So, has your business moved beyond email or simple cloud-based transfer solutions? Maybe an MFT system is the next investment you need to make.