After all, the original intent of a smart doorbell is to improve home security. But some people are using them to invite hackers into the home.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

A 2017 study from Duo found that only 28% of people use two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication means that after you enter your username and password, you will be prompted to enter a code sent to your mobile device. This code changes each time and makes your login that much more secure, but even SMS messages can be hacked.

Two-factor authentication is a security measure that requires users to enter two pieces of information in order to access their account. One of these pieces of information is usually a password, but two-factor authentication also requires users to enter a code sent to their phone. If someone else tries to log in to your account without first obtaining your password and code, your phone will send you a message indicating that something is wrong. ..

Check Whether Your Information Has Been Leaked

Security leaks happen all the time. Even if you take all of the necessary precautions, if a website you frequent is breached then your information might fall into malicious hands.

If you’re concerned that your email address may have been included in one of the data breaches, enter it on to find out if your password has also been compromised. ..

Change Your Password Often

The idea of changing your password on a regular basis is a common one, especially if you practice proper security guidelines for password creation. However, because of the frequency of data leaks, it’s important to change your password on a regular basis in order to keep your account secure.

Use Unique, Strong & Different Passwords For Each Account

Your online accounts are vulnerable to attack if you use the same password for them all. This can leave you open to theft and other damage if someone is able to guess your password or find other information about your account that can be used to access it.

  1. Make a strong password
  2. Use it often
  3. Change it often

Use a Different Username For Each Account

Your username and email should be different for each account. This is like investing in stocks—the more diverse your portfolio, the lower the risk.

By using separate email addresses, you can protect your information and personal data from being accessed by third-party hackers. This will make your online experience more secure and convenient.

Do Not Use Third-Party Devices

If you own any third-party devices, make sure to research their security measures before connecting them to your home network. If any of these devices are weak links, your entire home network’s security is at risk. ..

These devices, especially if produced by unknown companies, might not meet necessary cybersecurity standards and may be particularly vulnerable to hackers. Only connect devices from companies you trust to your home network.