1. Use a timer to set a specific amount of time for completing a task and then break it into smaller parts. This will help you stay on track and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  2. Set goals for the day and work towards those goals rather than letting distractions take over.
  3. Use tools like Evernote or Google Keep to jot down ideas, thoughts, and progress made during the day so that you can review and reflect on them later.

Methods Of Blocking Distracting Websites

Use a Work-Only Browser

To make the most of your time on the internet, make sure to: -Eliminate distractions and focus on what you need to. -Stay organized and focused. -Use tools that help you stay on top of your work.

To make sure you don’t lose focus and get overwhelmed with work, try these tips:

  1. Make a list of your top priorities and break them down into smaller tasks. This will help you stay focused on what needs to be done and avoid getting bogged down in too many tasks.
  2. Set a timer for a specific amount of time and work on one task for that amount of time. This will help you stay focused on the task at hand and avoid getting sidetracked by other distractions.
  3. Use tools like Google Sheets or an online planner to keep track of your work progress and goals. This will help you stay organized and focused on your work goals.

One way to deal with this is by using a work-only browser, which blocks social media or other distracting websites from your computer and phone. Having separate browsers for your work or study time saves you the hassle of constantly blocking and unblocking distracting sites.

You can use different browsers for work and study purposes, and keep the regular or daily use browser unrestricted.

Get a Work-Only Profile

A work-only profile helps you restrict your usage to work or study purposes by blocking distracting websites and programs. You can create a new user profile if you already have one on your computer, and add the desired restrictions to it so you can use it for work or studying.

Enable Airplane Mode

This is a way of blocking distracting websites, which can be helpful if you want to stay focused and avoid opening notifications that tempt you to access such sites. Additionally, it blocks internet access so that you can’t access distracting websites.

If you use a mobile device to work or study, you can enable airplane mode by swiping down from the top and finding the airplane icon, and then tapping on it to enable it.

To disable notifications on your computer, you can turn off your WiFi or internet connection. ..

Use a Browser App/Extension

You can block distracting websites using browser extensions on Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Safari and Firefox browsers. They’re easy to use and unobtrusive so you can focus only on what’s important when you need to block out the entire internet. ..

Some browser extensions you can use to block distracting websites so you can focus on your work or study tasks include StayFocusd or LeechBlock. ..

StayFocusd is a Chrome extension that restricts the time you spend on distracting websites so that you can focus on work or study the whole day.

StayFocusd offers a Nuclear option that lets you choose how you want to block distractions like entire websites, specific pages, subdomains, or certain types of content. You can also set the number of minutes or hours you want to spend on the sites, and StayFocusd will kick you off of them once you reach your time limit, without extending the time.

This includes setting the time restrictions for those sites by day and specific hours that you’d like to focus more on your tasks than visiting such sites.

LeechBlock is a free browser extension that works with Chrome and Firefox. It lets you block specific sites for a certain duration that you set. It has a timer that lets you set the time you want to spend browsing or visiting certain websites, and after the limit is up, it locks you out for the day. ..

A password option or random access code is also available that’s meant to slow you down when you’re tempted to visit the distracting sites.

Use a PC or mobile app

Cold Turkey is a Windows app that blocks access to distracting websites for a specific period of time, typically 30 minutes. Hocus Focus is a macOS app that blocks access to distracting websites for a specific period of time, typically 10 minutes.

These are apps that can help you stay focused and productive after spending time on distracting sites.

Cold turkey blockers are a tool that helps you stay on track during the cold turkey phase of a diet. They work with both Windows and macOS platforms, and are available for free. There is a Pro option that costs $25.

The app blocks sites and apps that are known to interfere with work performance.

The Frozen Turkey setting is found in the Pro plan, and locks you out for a set period of time. It’s useful if you can’t shut down your devices before bed, or if you spend too much time on your computer instead of spending time with other people. ..

Hocus Focus is a free app for Mac users that helps you focus on your work by decluttering your screen and allowing you to view only one window at a time. ..

Hocus Focus helps you stay focused on the task at hand by minimizing inactive windows.

You can hide your apps after a certain time of inactivity, or if not in use, create profiles for different tasks like editing, research and others. For mobile devices, there are apps that block distracting websites or anything that invites procrastination such as Off the Grid or Moment. ..

Android app Off the Grid lets you disconnect from your phone for a set period of time, and if you want to end your session early, it charges you $1 per session. ..

For iOS users, the Moment app tracks how much time you spend using your device and notifies you when you go over the time limit you’ve set for each day.

Get Back On Track

Here are some tips to help you stay on track and achieve your goals:

  1. Keep a positive attitude.
  2. Set realistic goals.
  3. Stay organized and prioritize your tasks.
  4. Take breaks when you need them, and don’t overwork yourself. ..

It can be easier to stick to a goal as you go along, but you can also increase your willpower by using visual reminders, delaying gratification with a reward at the end of it, getting away from your work space and taking short walks or doing puzzles. Once your mind is refreshed, you can get back to work on what is truly important. ..