You can control the ads that Facebook displays to you, including those from certain advertisers and hide others.

Access Your Facebook Ad Preferences

If you use the Facebook website or mobile app, you can change your ad preferences.

Access Facebook Ad Preferences on the Web

Access Facebook Ad Preferences on the Mobile App

If you’re looking for a specific type of ad, you can use the “Ad Preferences” section to find ads that match your interests.

Change Your Facebook Ad Preferences

The Ad Preferences page contains three sections: Advertisers, Ad Topics, and Ad Settings. Here’s how they work. Advertisers are the people or companies that are sponsoring the ads on your device. They can be either large companies or small businesses. Ad Topics are what the advertiser is interested in. They can be things like your age, gender, interests, or location. Ad Settings are how you want the ads to behave. You can choose to have them run continuously or only when you’re using a specific app.

Changing Advertisers Preferences

To view the advertisers you’ve seen most recently, select Ads to the right of their name. To hide one of the advertisers, pick Hide Ads to the right of their name. Once you do this, the Hide Ads button changes to an Undo button if you change your mind.

To hide your ads from certain advertisers, choose See more at the bottom of the list. This will show only those advertisers’ ads that are not wanted. ..

If you hide an advertiser, they will no longer appear in your Ads section on the main page. However, you can still see their ads by visiting the Advertisers you’ve hidden section at the bottom of that page. You can undo this hiding by selecting it and clicking Undo. ..

Another way to hide advertisers is by going to the Advertisers whose ads you’ve clicked section on that page. Use the Hide Ads button here to hide those advertisers.

Changing Ad Topics Preferences

Looking to get more out of your Facebook activity? Check out our data-driven topics to see what’s popular with you. This includes topics like food, beauty, music, technology and more.

To see fewer ads on a topic, select it in the list. Then, pick See Less. ..

After you take this action, you will see fewer ads on that topic, and advertisers cannot target you for that interest. ..

You can select See more at the bottom of the list to see all of the data-driven topics, but there might be a lot of categories to sort through. As an alternative, you can use the Search all topics box at the top to look for a specific ad category. ..

See Less is a tool that will help you keep track of your data-driven topics. By marking them with See Less, you’ll be able to quickly and easily change your mind about what to write about.

Changing Ad Settings

  1. Ad settings: This area includes the following: -Ad type: You can choose between paid and organic ads. Paid ads are more expensive, but they have a longer lifespan. Organic ads are free, but they may not be as effective because they may not be targeted as well. -Targeting: You can target people based on age, gender, location, or interests. -Data sharing: You can share your data with other advertisers and partners to help them better understand your customers.

To stop seeing personalized ads, you can toggle the setting on your account. ..

To see all the categories that Facebook uses to reach you, click on the “This includes details from your profile that advertisers use for targeted ads.” toggle. You can also choose to see other categories by selecting the “Other categories” option at the bottom of the screen. ..

Advertisers that use audience data to target ads are called audience-based advertisers. This type of advertising is becoming more popular because it is more relevant to the individual and it is less intrusive. ..

If you use a list to reach your target audience, you can disallow them from showing ads based on the list and exclude them from ads using a list.

This includes ads you see on non-Facebook sites or apps that use Facebook’s advertising services. You can change the toggle to Not Allowed if you don’t want to see them.

If you’re looking for a new way to connect with your Facebook friends, you might want to check out our new ad feature. This way, you can see ads based on what your friends have shared on their pages.

If you like a Page that’s running an ad, Facebook will let your friends know that you liked the Page when they see the ad. ..


Adjust Ad Preferences in Your Feed

It can take time to adjust your ad preferences in the Facebook settings. Although it’s worth your time, you can also make quick adjustments as you see ads and advertisers in your Facebook news feed.

To hide an ad or advertiser on the web or in the mobile app, select the three dots on the top right to open the drop-down menu.

To stop seeing ads from this advertiser, choose Hide Ad. If you continue to see this ad, please contact us to discuss why. ..

If you want to make changes to your ad preferences, head to the Advertisers section of the ad settings. ..

If you want to remove ads from your Facebook experience but still see ads from Pages you don’t like, take a few moments to adjust your ad preferences. ..