Website monitors can be helpful for knowing when a website goes offline, as well as for keeping up with breaking news stories and other updates. ..

Some websites have built-in monitoring tools that you can use to stay updated with them when they release new content. Others might not have any such capabilities, but there are still third-party services you can utilize to monitor those pages for changes.

Use Their Email


Website owners often offer their visitors an email newsletter, which is usually completely free and only requires your email address. Once subscribed, you’ll receive an email each time the website releases something new. ..

Some newsletters let you choose which topics to receive notifications about. Other newsletters will send you notifications based on what is happening at the time the newsletter is sent, but that’s more common for newsletters that don’t release newsworthy information frequently. ..

There are many email providers available, so it can be difficult to decide which one to choose. Some popular options include disposable email accounts and anonymous and private email services. ..

Subscribe to Their

RSS Feed

Some people use RSS readers to stay up-to-date on news and information through feed subscriptions from websites. You can use a feed reader online through a web app, on your computer via a download, or through your mobile device with an RSS reader app.

If you see an orange RSS icon on a website, it means that the site is using RSS to keep its readers up-to-date. ..

If you can’t find a way to subscribe to RSS feeds, most readers let you scan a website for them. If the site doesn’t have an RSS feed but you want it to, try an RSS feed generator like FetchRSS.

Some popular free RSS feed readers include Feedly, The Old Reader, Feeder, Omea Reader for Windows, and Reeder for Mac.

Use a Website

Monitoring Tool

Tools exist that can help you keep track of all the changes happening on a site. These dedicated monitors can be helpful if the site doesn’t have an RSS feed, if you don’t like using news aggregators, or if the changes you want to track aren’t available through an RSS feed.

Visualping is a tool that will email you each time a particular web page changes. This is useful if you like to follow a single page and not necessary be alerted about all the site’s new content. It works by having you select which part of the page to monitor for changes.

You can adjust the change sensitivity and have the ping wait several seconds before checking for updates. Visualping free users are limited to 62 free checks every month. ..

Web Monitor is a Chrome extension that monitors full pages for changes as well as any section of any web page. It works with RSS feeds, too. For free users, Web Monitor has 25 website monitors and up to 30 emails per month. If you pay for a plan, you can get up to 100 website monitors and 500 emails per month.

ChangeTower is a free tool that monitors websites for changes. It can monitor a single page for changes or the entire website. ..

ChangeTower is a really neat tool that lets you get alerted when any content is changed or added, when the changes match keywords you specify, when part of the page changes appearance, when the HTML code gets altered, and more.

You can get six free checks every day, with the most frequent lookup set at 12 hours.

Follow Any Social

Media Accounts

One way to track when a website changes is to follow the company on their social media platforms. ..

When a website updates, they’ll likely post an update on their social media platforms. Follow as many of their social media platforms as possible to get the latest information.

Some social media sites let you subscribe to particular accounts for notifications so that you’ll get an app alert or priority view when they post on their pages. Do this, if you can, to make sure you’ll actually see the post following their site change.