Dial-in By Phone and Zoom Free Basic Accounts

Zoom is discontinuing its free Basic account’s ability to use phone audio conferencing. ..

Zoom is saying that if you have a free account, you might be able to dial into Zoom meetings with a phone number. If you don’t have a free account, the dial-in feature might not work.

If you’re a meeting host, review the different Zoom paid plans for one that ensures you’ll have access to all the features of Zoom.

Dial Into a Zoom Meeting With a Phone Number

If you have an Echo device, the meeting will be automatically joined by Alexa. If you don’t have an Echo device, you can join the meeting by selecting Join Audio from the menu on your computer. ..

If the meeting host has the call-out add-on, you’ll also have the option of selecting Call Me.

There will be a flag icon. If it’s already showing your country, go to step 4, otherwise, select the flag drop-down menu and choose the country you’re calling in from. It will show you the numbers you can dial from your country.

  1. 800-555-1212
  2. 202-456-1234
  3. 877-853-1234
  4. 917-737-1234

Zoom Auto-Attendant: Once the Zoom auto-attendant answers, enter the Meeting ID then #.

Now enter your Participant ID, then the number.

If there’s a Passcode to join the meeting, enter that and then #.

Please close this window if you are finished.

How To Leave Zoom Computer Audio And Join By Phone

If you’re using Zoom regularly, it might have been set up to join your computer’s audio automatically. Or maybe you accidentally selected Join with Computer Audio. That’s okay. You can still switch to your phone. ..

To use the steps in the above section to dial-in to your computer audio, select the up arrow (^) on the Mute/Unmute button.

How To Join a Zoom Meeting By Phone Only

You’re not at a Zoom meeting, and you can’t use the Zoom app because you don’t want to use up your cell phone data. Maybe you just don’t like trying to look like you’re paying attention in a Zoom video call. That’s okay, you can simply dial into a Zoom meeting with your phone.

The meeting invitation will have a Toll-Free number. If there is a Toll-Free number, use it to avoid long-distance charges.

The Zoom auto-attendant will answer and prompt you to enter the Meeting ID, then a number.

If you’re the host of the Zoom meeting, enter your host key to start the meeting. If you’re dialing into someone else’s meeting, and the join before host feature isn’t enabled,  press # to wait.The Zoom auto-attendant will ask you to enter your Participant ID. Press # to skip. You only need to do this if you’ve already joined the meeting on a computer, app, or are a panelist in a webinar.If the meeting invite included a Passcode, enter it and then #

  1. Make sure you are available to answer any questions that may arise.
  2. Be prepared to provide your insights and observations on the zoom meeting as a whole.
  3. Be willing to be a part of the discussion and contribute your knowledge and insights.

You can join the meeting by computer or phone. When you do, press # then enter your Participant ID, and press # again to link your phone audio to the video of your computer or app. Joining the meeting might require a password specifically for joining by phone. It will be shown in the invitation below the Meeting ID. To Raise Your Hand in the meeting, press star (*) 9 ..

If your host can add one-tap mobile links to their invitation, it’s the easiest way to dial-in with your phone. Simply tap the link in the invitation and your phone will call the number.

First, the iPhone One-Tap mobile links are not as reliable as traditional web links. Second, they can be easily spoofed. Third, they are not as long-lasting as traditional web links.

If the attendee’s email only shows the plain text, this won’t work. They have to have HTML support enabled. If your dial-in number supports multiple languages, the one-tap link won’t work because the auto-attendant wants to ask the attendee’s language preference. This can be skipped by adding 0# before the meeting number in the link, but then it just defaults to the first language offered to the attendee. ..

Do You Zoom?

If you’re a Microsoft customer and have some great tips or tricks for others, please share them in the comments below or on our site. If you have any questions about these conferencing services, we’d love to hear from you!