1. Make sure you have an ad blocker enabled in your web browser.
  2. If you don’t have an ad blocker enabled, your cache files could be causing problems.
  3. If you have the wrong playback device set in your browser, we recommend checking if there is a Spotify app for your device that is working properly.

Choose the Correct Playback Device in Spotify

Spotify lets you manually select the device for playing your music. Make sure you’ve set Spotify to use your web browser for music playback. If this isn’t the case, change the device, and your web player will start working.

Disable the Ad-Blocker in Your Web Browser

If you’re using an ad-blocker extension on your web browser, that may be causing Spotify’s web player not to load music. Ad-blockers are often the cause of various online media playback issues. ..

Disabling your browser’s ad blocker may help resolve the issue. If disabling the extension doesn’t work, you can remove the ad blocker or disable it for Spotify. ..

To disable an extension in Chrome:

  1. Open Chrome and click on the three lines in the top right corner of the browser window.
  2. Click on “More tools” and then on “Extensions”.
  3. In the list of extensions, find the extension you want to disable and click on it.
  4. On the extension’s details page, click on “Disable” next to the “Enabled” checkbox.
  5. Restart Chrome if you have enabled extensions in recent sessions and you are now prompted to enable them again before continuing with this guide. ..

Use Incognito Mode in Your Web Browser

When you open a site in an incognito window, your browser isolates your browsing history and other data from your current session. This option is useful if you can’t use the Spotify web player or if you want to keep your privacy while using the site.

Spotify has released a new update that fixes some issues that can occur when your browser data interferes with the Spotify web player. If you experience problems with Spotify, using incognito mode might help you determine whether your browser is causing the issue. ..

Open an Incognito Window in Chrome

Launch a Private Window in Firefox

Open an InPrivate Window in Edge

Clear Your Web Browser’s Cache

Your browser caches web pages and images to help you load faster. Sometimes, this cached data interferes with your online music players and causes them not to work.

Clearing your browser’s cache may help resolve your Spotify issue. If you have trouble streaming Spotify, clearing your browser’s cache may help. Most browsers make it easy to get rid of your cache files.

When you clear the cache, your computer removes all of the data that was stored on your device when you last used it. This includes your saved passwords, cookies, and other site data.

Clear the Cache in Chrome

Clear the Cache in Firefox

Clear the Cache in Edge

Enable Playback of Protected Content in Your Web Browser

When Spotify’s web player doesn’t work, you may see a message that says you need to enable the playback of protected content. You can do this by turning on an option in your browser’s settings.

  1. Open Chrome and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the browser window.
  2. Choose “Options” from the menu that appears and then select “Privacy” from the list of options.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “Playback settings.”
  4. In this section, you’ll find a list of options that will affect how Chrome plays protected content. You can choose to enable or disable playback, depending on your preferences.

Flush the DNS Cache

Spotify and other sites you open in your browsers use your DNS settings to resolve domain names. If your DNS cache has issues or has gone corrupt, you’ll need to clear this problematic cache to fix your site-related issues.

To clear the DNS cache on a Windows PC, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Click on the Network and Internet category.
  3. Under Network and Internet, click on the Properties button.
  4. On the General tab, under Protocols, click on DNS. Select the “Clear local DNS cache” checkbox and then click OK to clear your local DNS cache. ..

Use Another Web Browser

If you’re still having trouble streaming Spotify on your computer, it may be because your browser isn’t supporting the service. Try using another browser and see if that helps.

If you’re using Chrome to access the Spotify web player, and you find that the player doesn’t work in Firefox, it’s likely that your browser is the culprit. You’ll need to either reset or reinstall your browser in order to fix the issue. ..

Use an Alternative Spotify Client

Spotify offers multiple clients to let you listen to your music. If you find that Spotify’s web player doesn’t work, use the company’s desktop app to access your music.

Spotify offers a mobile app that lets you access the same music library as on your computer. This makes it easier to find and listen to your favorite songs.

Troubleshoot Spotify Web Player Problems on Your Computer

Spotify’s web player issues can often be traced back to your web browser. Once you remove the problematic cache files and adjust specific settings, your player should start working just as it should.

If you’re having trouble using the Spotify web player, we hope this guide helps.