There are a few different ways to control the privacy of your Facebook status updates. The best way to do this is to use the privacy controls while you are actually creating the update. In this article, I’ll show you how to control the privacy of a single status update and all future updates too. ..

Single Status Update

If you want to share your location with someone, you can do so by clicking on the “share my location” button. ..

The privacy control will be set to whatever is your default setting for who can see your Facebook posts. In my case, my default setting is only Friends. If you want to change this for a particular post, go ahead and click on the down arrow. ..

The three main choices are Public, Friends and Only Me. There are more options like Friends except Acquaintances and then Custom. Facebook will give you some custom lists that it creates on its own.

If you want to add people to your list, select the list and then press the “add” button.

In order to exclude someone or an entire list, you have to click on Custom. This will bring up the Custom Privacy popup window.

Here you can choose who you want to share or not share the status update with. In my example, everyone will see my post except the people in the Family list. You can type in individual names or pick from your lists. Click Save Changes and you’re good to go.

If you want to hide a post from someone on Facebook, you must tag them in order for them to be aware of it. However, Facebook does not let the person know unless they are tagged. So be sure to tag people you want to hide your posts from!

Facebook has a feature called " exclusion “. This feature allows you to hide posts from people you know. If someone mentions the post on another site, like Twitter, they won’t be able to see it in their own news feed or on the person’s wall. From a technical standpoint, Facebook will not show the post to anyone except those who have been specifically excluded. Obviously, if someone mentions the post on Facebook without being specifically excluded, it could get deleted!

Future Status Updates

If you want to continue doing this, you’ll need to change the setting inline while posting a status update.

Customizing your privacy settings can help protect your posts from being seen by others. To do this, you can click on the box next to “Who can see my future posts?” and choose Custom. In my case, it was already set to Custom since I had just posted a status update with custom privacy settings.

Create Facebook Lists

When you see More, click on the three lines in the top left corner of the window. This will open a new window that has a list of all your friends who are not already in a list. From here, you can add them by clicking on their name and then clicking Add to List. ..

If you have any lists that are not in the main list, they will be shown at the bottom. You can drag and drop them to the main list. ..

  1. Joe
  2. John
  3. Karen
  4. Bob
  5. Alice

You can now use this list to control the privacy of your Facebook status updates. Make sure to read my other posts on how to hide your online Facebook status, update Facebook status via text message, and how to hide from one Facebook friend from another. Enjoy!