One option is to use a software program such as Photoshop or After Effects to create a new image that is more crisp and clear. This will help you to capture the moment exactly as it happened, without any distortion or noise.

There are a couple of ways to improve blurry pictures in Photoshop. One is to use a software like Adobe Photoshop that has excellent tools to help make blurry pictures sharp. Another is to use a method called “sharpening.”

In addition to Adobe Photoshop, you may also want to consider using a free photo editing program such as GIMP or Picasa. These programs have many different options for sharpening, which can make a big difference in the results of your photos.

The programs below are specifically designed to create sharper images with less degradation.

Photoshop Method 1 – Using an Extra Layer

This method is simple and works well for sharpening images. For example, take a look at this photo with one side blurred and the other sharpened.

The right side of a person’s body is sharper than the left side. This is because the right side of a person’s body is used for looking down, while the left side is used for looking up.

Now, press CTRL + V to paste the text layer into the bottom of the image. Now, press CTRL + J to duplicate the text layer and make sure to click on Layer 2 in the Layers panel. Now, press CTRL + W to write your headline. ctrl+w

Next, go to Filter, then Other, and choose High Pass. The higher the value you set it to, the sharper your image will become. However, if you set it really high, the image will become grainy. I set mine to 10 pixels.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with the blending mode on your image, as we’re not done yet! With the new layer still selected, set the blending mode to Hard Light and adjust the opacity to whatever you think makes the image look best. It’s set to 100% by default, but you may get better results at 50% or something else, so just play around with that value.

That’s it! Your image should now be much sharper looking, but if your image is very blurry or the blurriness is caused by really fast motion, you may not see a major difference.

Before: The camera was focused on the subject’s face which was in the center of the frame. After: The camera was focused on a white wall and the subject’s face was out of focus.

Photoshop Method 2 – Shake Reduction Filter

The Shake Reduction Filter is a new tool that can be used to sharpen photos. It works by reducing the amount of blur in the photo. To start using this filter, go ahead and click on Filter, then Sharpen and then Shake Reduction. ..

If you want to fix the blur on your image, you can use Photoshop to automatically correct it. This will help you see which part of the image needs to be corrected so that the blur is less noticeable. You can see this section on the image as dotted lines.

The blur trace should ideally be part of the image that has the most edge contrast. So if one part of the image is bright and another part is dark, the blur trace should include the edge. ..

You can adjust the box by dragging the corners and changing the size. You can also click on the circle in the middle to move it around. If your image is really large, you can also create multiple blur traces in the case the blurring effect is different in different parts of the image. To create another blur trace, just click and drag to start drawing another box.

In my tests, I found that sometimes the default settings resulted in better results than when I changed the blur traces. In other instances, I felt adjusting the blur traces made the images better, so you’ll have to really play around with all of the options to get the best results. ..

The final image from method 2 is much better than the results from method 1. It’s obviously far from ideal, but it’s still a usable image.


Blurity is a Windows or Mac program that is designed to remove blur from photos. In my tests, it performed very well and I can see why they charge $79! It’s definitely only worth spending that much if the image really means a lot to you or if you have a lot of blurry photos you want to fix. ..

I ran the program through VirusTotal and it came out clean, so you don’t have to worry about any spyware, etc. The only annoying thing about this program is that after you install it, it forces you to go through this tutorial that you MUST complete before you can actually start using the program.

Anyway, once you get past that, just click the Open Image button and then use the cursor to highlight a good instance of blur on a subject. ..

I selected the region of the world and then clicked on the Process button to generate a preview of a fixed blurred image. The image below has the watermark still on it, even though I have disabled it.

The program below does a very good job of correcting the blur in the image and it is much cheaper than buying a separate camera. For good results and a slightly cheaper price, check out the program below.


If you want to get a good blurry photo effect without having to spend a lot of time or money, then you should try out SmartDeblur. This program is only $49, and it does an excellent job at creating a blurry photo effect. Once you download and install the software, you will need to click on the Open button at the bottom to select your image. ..

You can adjust a few settings like the blur size and type of blue (Out of Focus blur or Gaussian blur) but I recommend just going with the defaults first to see what the program does. You can also select a region if you like or you can just click Analyze Blur and it will analyze the entire image.

I found that increasing the smoothness option made the image look more smooth overall, but it also caused the graininess to increase. Here is my result for the same test image using 100×100 for blur size and analyzing the whole image:

There are a couple of ways to correct blurry images using software. I mentioned that all the free tools I tried performed terribly and that’s why I didn’t even bother mentioning them. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment. Enjoy!