Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts files and demands money in order to free them. It’s been around for years, but ransomware has become more common in the past year. Here are some tips to help your business stay safe:

  1. Be aware of ransomware threats and how to protect yourself.
  2. Stay up-to-date on new ransomware threats and how to protect yourself from them.
  3. Use security software to keep your computer protected from ransomware attacks.

A Short History of Ransomware

In 1989, a Harvard-educated researcher snail-mailed 20,000 floppy disks to attendees of the World Health Organization’s AIDS conference. Once someone used the disk, malware-infected their computer and prevented users from accessing their files. They were then instructed to send a $189 payment to a P.O. Box in Panama to regain access. Some IT professionals were able to figure out how to decrypt the code and restore system access, while others lost their life’s work.

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts files and demands a ransom in order to release them. The first ransomware was created in 1989, and it was used to encrypt e-mails. The second ransomware was created in 2000, and it demanded a ransom in order to release the files.

In 2004, GPCode appeared on the scene and infected systems with code via bad website links and phishing e-mails. The hackers demanded amounts as small as $20 for the decryption key, but it still wasn’t difficult encryption to break. By 2006, ransomware had changed again and now used different passwords to release computer systems.

Ransomware has become more difficult to crack and dodge in the 2010s, with many attacks becoming more complex and difficult to avoid. Attacks such as WinLock and Reveton can be bought on the dark web.

How to Stay Safe From Ransomware Online

Ransomware has been around for decades, and the same thing always happens: victims are asked to pay ransom to get their systems back. Whether it’s through an e-mail, a pop-up asking for money to fix an infection, or exploiting vulnerabilities, there’s no guarantee that the hackers will give up control of your computer. ..

The best way to stay ahead of the game is to use the methods below. ..


A web firewall is a great way to protect your computer from cyber criminals. It scans incoming and outgoing web traffic, compares connections, and assesses any risks. It closes vulnerable ports off from potential hacker access.

System Backup

Regularly back up important system files and data to different locations, so you can restore your system in the event of an attack. ..

Regular Patches

Systems change; vulnerabilities are discovered, shared, and updated. New patches often come out for all manner of programs. Hackers are on the alert for easy opportunities. To keep your system safe, use a program that offers automated patches to keep your system up-to-date and out of hackers’ hands. ..

Take a Proactive Stance

An online criminal can easily bring a business to a complete halt by encrypting files, locking systems, and demanding payment in order to continue operations. Don’t let them take advantage of your business — digital security systems can help keep your business running smoothly and on top of online security.