If you want to stop others from adding you to Facebook groups, there are a few things you can do. First, go to Facebook’s privacy controls and select Groups. From here, you can see which groups you’re already a part of and choose to not be added to any more groups. You can also choose to stop receiving group notifications altogether by turning them off under General Settings. ..

To stop people from adding you to groups on Facebook, you can use the Facebook group management tool. This tool will help you create groups that are specific to your interests and will keep you informed about what is happening in those groups.

Talk to Your Friends

This is a simple solution, but one that can be difficult to refuse. If your friends are inviting you to groups, just ask them to stop and say you aren’t interested. If they don’t stop, you can always use one of the other options on this list.

Join and Leave the Group

If you’re a member of a spam group and you want to prevent others from inviting you back, select the option to prevent people from inviting you to join this group again.

Switch that toggle on, and you’ll be unable to send invites to any of your community’s members. This effectively blocks any invitations you may receive from friends that have been hacked and have not yet regained their accounts.

Block the Facebook Account

If someone on Facebook continues inviting you to groups, you can always block them. It can cause a bit of drama, especially if that person doesn’t react well to boundaries, but it’s an easy way to prevent invitations from coming your way.

If you’re receiving too many unsolicited invitations, it might be time to block people on your Friends list. Blocking someone will stop them from sending you future invitations, but it won’t remove them from your list entirely. ..

Change Group Privacy Settings

Administrators of a group can change permissions for members so that they are only allowed to send invitations to those who have been given permission by the administrator.

These settings let you manage your group members in a variety of ways, including what they are allowed to do. Managing a group is a big task, so be sure to keep all of these options in mind if you want to start a new one.

It’s easier than ever to stop unwanted invites, but it can still be a bit of an annoyance at the best of times. Don’t be afraid to speak to friends and ask them to stop. If you are invited back to the same group time and time again, just leave it and hit that toggle – it will take less time than arguing will. ..