To set up a FTP server on your computer, you first need to install the Windows FTP Server. This program can be found in the Start menu, and it will take you to a screen that looks like this: The first thing you need to do is choose the type of FTP server you want to create. There are three types of FTP servers: local, remote, and web. The local FTP server is where your computer is located. You can use this type of FTP server to share files with other people on your network. The remote FTP server is where you can access files from other computers on the internet. You can use this type of FTP server to share files with people around the world. The web FTP server is where you can access files from any computer on the internet. You can use this type of FTP server to share files with people who are not on your network. After choosing a type of FTPserver, you will need to configure it according to your needs. You will need to set up a password, choose an account name, and choose how many users you want to allow access to your file sharing service. After configuring your FTPserver, you will need to start it up and make sure that everyone who wants access has been added as an account user: Now that all of your settings have been made, it’s time for the fun part! To share files with others online, simply click on the “Share” button at the bottom of the screen: You will now be taken into a new window where you will be ableto select which file(s) you want shared: After selecting one or more files from the list, click on “Share” again: Your computer will now start sharing those files automatically!

There are many open source file server applications that you can use to setup your own FTP server. I’ll also talk about the extra steps you need take, like configuring your router and firewall, to get the setup working properly. Since there are many well written tutorials for setting up each of these applications, I will simply link to the best one that will walk you step by step installing and configuring whichever app you choose. ..

HFS (HTTP File Server)

HTTP File Server is a great way to share files with others. It’s easy to set up and can be used by novice and advanced users alike. For the tinkerers, there are a lot of options to configure.

The free and easy-to-use FileZilla FTP client is a great way to manage files and folders on your computer. With FileZilla, you can view current connections, control bandwidth usage, and more. ..

The best thing about HFS is that it is an easy-to-use file sharing system. It’s simply one executable file that you can just run, without having to install anything on your computer. Next, just drag and drop the files you want to share into HFS and you’re up and running your own file server. ..

The program can be unblocked by clicking on the “Unblock” button. After you unblock the program, you will be able to run it. The next dialog will ask if you want to create a new folder or use an existing one. If you want to use an existing folder, select it from the list and click on the “OK” button. If you want to create a new folder, click on the “Create New Folder” button and enter a name for your folder in the text box that appears. After you enter a name for your folder, click on the “OK” button. The program will then ask if you want to add files or folders to your new folder. If you want to add files or folders, select them from the list and click on the “Add Files” or “Add Folders” buttons, respectively. After you add files or folders, click on the “OK” button. The next dialog will ask if you want to enable file sharing for your new folder. If you want file sharing enabled for your new folder, select the check box next to it and click on the “OK” button. The next dialog will ask if you want to enable remote access for your new folder. If you want remote access enabled for your new folder, select the check box next to it and click on the “OK” button. After enabling file sharing and remote access for your new folder, click on the “Finish” button and then start using your newly created file server! ..

To allow access to the HFS file server, you must uncheck the Public Networks option in the Private Networks section of your Windows 10 computer. Then right-click on any file and select Add to File Server.

If you choose Yes, the program will install some basic files on your computer. If you choose No, the program will not install anything on your computer. ..

The mode is “easy”, which means that the user is not allowed to change any of the settings. This is perfect for most people, as it means they can just focus on connecting and downloading files.

To use the web interface to browse and download files from your file server, you will need to forward the FTP (21) or Web (80) ports from your router to the computer running HFS. You can read about how to do all of that when in the Firewall and Port Forwarding section below. Go ahead and click the Open in browser button and it should load up the web interface for your file server with a list of any files you added earlier.

To perform a self-test of your computer’s security, you can use the HFS self-test tool. Just click on the first option, and then select the type of computer you want to test.

In order to access your file server from outside the local network, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Connect to your file server using a computer on the local network.
  2. Copy the contents of your file server’s directory to a new location on your computer outside of the local network.
  3. Change the permissions for the new location so that only people with appropriate permissions can access it.

FileZilla Server

Filezilla is a popular FTP client program that is also freely available on the internet. It’s easy to set up with the defaults options left unchanged, and it’s a great choice for anyone who wants to use FTP without having to worry about security or data integrity.

When installing FileZilla, you will be asked to choose how you want it installed and it is best to leave it so that it installs as a Windows service. You can also leave the port number with the default value. Click Next and then you will be asked how the server should be started. Unless you want to manually start it, the default behavior is to load automatically when the user logs in. Click Install and it should take a few seconds to finish. ..

If you don’t plan on creating any other FTP servers on the same computer, make sure to check the Always connect to this server box. Once you do, the main interface will appear. ..

To get a directory set up in FileZilla, follow these steps: -Open FileZilla and click on the “File” menu. -Select “New Directory.” -Enter the desired directory name and click on the “OK” button. -In the new directory, open the file called “config.xml.” -Scroll down to the bottom of the file and find a line that says “”. -Change this line to say “”. -Save the file. ..


FreeNAS is an open source network attached storage (NAS) program that makes sharing files easier. ..

FreeNAS is a full operating system that can be used on its own, or as part of a larger network. It has certain system requirements that might prevent it from being used on some PCs, but it is still an option for those who want to use an operating system that is completely self-contained. ..

If you have a spare machine that you’ve never been able to find a use for, maybe now is the time to convert it into a streaming and sharing super NAS. ..

MakeUseOf has written a comprehensive guide to installing and setting up FreeNAS for sharing files over the Internet. They also talk about how to setup dynamic DNS so you can access your FreeNAS server from outside the local network. ..

Firewall & Port Forwarding

  1. Connect your computer to the network.

  2. Connect your phone to the network.

  3. Set up a home Wi-Fi network

  4. Disable the firewall on the PC

  5. Connect to the PC using a USB cable

  6. Forward certain ports on your router to your PC so that you can access the internet from your computer.

Dynamic DNS is a service that allows you to set up a website’s DNS address so that it can be accessed from any device, even if the device is not connected to the internet. This can be helpful if you want to access your website from a location where the internet is not available, or if you want to use your website on devices that are not supported by the original provider of your website’s DNS address.

Option 3 is an optional way to transfer files if you don’t have a static IP address and most residential homes don’t. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, check out my post that explains the difference between a static and dynamic IP address.

If you are having trouble forwarding ports on your router, you may want to try port forwarding. This is a way to add a specific port on your router to allow traffic from a specific IP address or domain through that port.

Dynamic DNS is a great way to keep your public IP address updated even if your computer or router goes offline. You can also use dynamic DNS to point your public IP address to a different server if you need to move or change your location.

Setting up a file sharing server from home is a great way to keep your files safe and easy to access. There will be some challenges along the way, but it’s definitely doable for most people. If you have any questions or run into issues, please post a comment and we’ll try to help. Enjoy!