There are a few ways to speed up your Chrome browser on your computer. Deleting the cache, updating the browser, and using some hidden options can all give you a performance boost. ..

Update Your Chrome Browser

Chrome is a popular web browser that can be used to browse the internet. It is often updated with new features and improvements. By updating Chrome, you can improve its performance and speed.

Close Unnecessary Tabs

Chrome slows down because you have too many open tabs. To speed up the Chrome browser, you must make sure you only keep those tabs active that you actually use.

Disable Unwanted Extensions

Chrome allows you to add extensions, which can be helpful in expanding its functionalities. However, adding extensions can use up computer resources and slow down the browser. ..

If you don’t use an extension, it’s a good idea to remove it from Chrome. ..

Remove Unwanted Chrome Apps

Chrome lets you install apps to perform various tasks from within the browser on your computer. If you don’t use one or many of these apps, you should remove them to free up resources and speed up the Chrome browser.

Preload The Web Pages That You’ll Be Visiting

Chrome preloads the web pages that it thinks you’ll open. This includes links to various sites on the current page that you’re on. This is a great feature if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to get around the web.

The browser uses certain algorithms to find what links you’ll click and keeps those pages preloaded for you to view.

Clear Your Browsing History & Other Data

Chrome stores a lot of data on your computer, including browsing history and other data saved in the browser. This helps improve performance and speed up the Chrome browser.

Clean Up Your Computer With Chrome

Chrome for Windows includes a feature that helps you find malware and other suspicious software on your computer. You can use this tool to remove these programs from your computer for good. ..

This will improve Chrome’s performance on your PC.

Disable Images For All Websites

If you’re only looking to browse the web, you can disable images for the websites you visit. This way Chrome won’t have to load any photos and this will speed up your Chrome browser sessions. This is a bit extreme, obviously, so be sure to read the website’s disclaimer before disabling images.

Test Your Internet Connection

If your Internet connection is slow, you can test it by downloading a speed test from the website

If your test results are taking too long to come back, you should contact your ISP and ask them to speed up the process. ..

Reset The Chrome Browser

If you’re having trouble with your Chrome browser, resetting all of its settings can help speed up your experience. This will make the browser work as if you’re starting it from scratch. ..

If Chrome crashes or freezes up after doing any of the above methods, there are ways to fix those issues. If you have any questions or problems following these tips, please let us know. ..