Your home is a complex system with many pieces that need to work together in order to provide you with the best possible experience. In this article, we will take a look at each of these pieces and how they interact with one another.

If you are still experiencing a slower browsing speed than what you were previously getting, it is likely that your ISP has changed your download speed without notifying you. If this is the case, then there is not much that you can do to change your download speed. ..

External issues:

  1. Poor network connection: This is the most common reason why your Internet connection is running slow. You may be experiencing problems with your ISP, your router, or even the cable box. If you can’t get online, it could be because of one of these things.
  2. Poor network performance: This can also be caused by a lot of things, but often times it’s due to congestion on the network or a lack of bandwidth. If you’re seeing low speeds and aren’t getting the content you want, it might be worth checking to see if there are any issues with your ISP or router. Internal issues:
  3. Computer system slowdown: Sometimes people experience slowdowns on their computers when they’re using the Internet for work or school purposes. This can happen because of a lot of different things, but often times it’s due to something called “cpu bottleneck.” CPU bottleneck is when your computer is struggling to keep up with the load from all the websites and applications that are trying to run at once. If this happens to you, it might be worth checking out whether there’s anything that can be done about it (like upgrading your computer).
  4. Memory leak: Another internal issue that can cause slowdowns is when data isn’t being stored properly in your computer’s memory. This could lead to a lot of problems like decreased performance or even crashes if not fixed quickly!
  5. Disk space usage: Sometimes people experience slowdowns when they’re using the Internet for work or school purposes because their hard drive is full up and isn’t being able to give them what they need in terms of speed and storage space. If this happens to you, you might want to consider buying some more storage space so that you have more room for all those pictures and videos that you keep online!

External Internet Speed Issues

Shared Connections

If you’re feeling your Internet connection is slow, make sure to do a speed test at different times during the day and night.

The slowdown in Netflix streaming could be due to congestion on the ISP’s network. This could be due to people streaming Netflix from 6 PM to 12 AM, or people using the same connection to the ISP at different times of the day. If you see a pattern, it could simply be that congestion is causing the slowdown for not only you, but also everyone else using that same connection to the ISP.

If you’re not satisfied with your current residential Internet speed, you can check to see if your ISP provides business Internet service to your area. A lot of people simply choose a business plan, which costs only a little bit more, and gives you much better reliability and speed.

Internet Fast Lanes

Netflix is facing a debate around net neutrality. ISPs are charging Netflix fees in order to deliver their content to your computer faster. If they don’t pay up, some ISPs are actively throttling the bandwidth. ..

Dear FCC, We urge you to support Net Neutrality by sending comments on the Open Internet filing. Net Neutrality is important because it ensures that all traffic is treated equally, no matter where it comes from or how much money it costs. Without Net Neutrality, providers could charge different rates for different types of traffic, slowing down or even blocking some types of traffic while allowing others to flow freely. This would be a huge inconvenience for everyone, and it would be bad for business. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.


ISPs will throttle certain types of traffic in order to prevent illegal activity from taking up everyone else’s bandwidth. ..

They’ve gotten so good at it that they can even sniff it out over an encrypted connection like a VPN. Even outside of torrenting, you might get slowed down if you pass a certain data cap. On my parents Cox Cable plan, we found out anything over 200GB in a month was considered high usage and would be throttled.

Your best bet if you like to torrent is to use a VPN. Depending on the ISP, you may or may not be throttled. Also, you should never torrent without encryption otherwise the MPAA will sue you.

Server Speeds & Location

If your Verizon FIOS 50 Mbps download/upload plan includes a server that can only push data at 2 Mbps, even if the server sending the data is faster, it won’t really matter how fast the server sending the data is.

If you’re experiencing slow speeds on a website, it’s likely because there are too many requests being made from your computer. If you’re in the US and trying to connect to a server located in India, your speed might be slower because of the network connection.

If you’re experiencing slow loading times or site down times on a regular basis, it might be worth checking to see if the site is hosted by a domain name that you own. If the site is owned by a government agency, there’s not much you can do about it. ..

Internal Internet Speed Issues

Your computer is the heart of your Internet experience. It’s the one thing that you use to access the Internet, and it’s also the one thing that you rely on to keep your online activity safe. Without a good computer, you can’t do anything online.

Operating System

Windows XP is no longer supported by Microsoft, meaning that it may not be able to take advantage of the latest networking protocols and services. If you’re still using Windows XP, it’s important to update your operating system to a more modern version in order to improve your Internet speed. ..

If you’re not sure whether your computer is infected with viruses or malware, it’s important to check for them and remove them as soon as possible. Viruses and malware can slow down your Internet, so it’s important to be sure that you’re taking all the necessary precautions to protect yourself. Check out my post on how to keep your computer free of viruses and malware.

Web Browser

The browser you use will affect your browsing speed. Depending on your version and brand, it could be significant.

For example, upgrading a client from IE 7 to IE 11 eliminated their browsing issues. Additionally, IE 11 is more standards-compliant than IE 10 and runs smoother. There are other factors to consider when making this decision, such as the client’s needs and preferences. ..

  1. If you’re using IE, it might be worth trying a different browser extension like NoScript or Ghostery to help keep your online security up.

Disable any additional add-ons, toolbars, or extensions that might be installed in your browser. Add-ons can be helpful, but they can also be memory hogs, which will slow down your computer and therefore slow down your browsing speed. ..

  1. Use a browser extension that helps you keep your browsing history and cache clean. Some extensions like NoScript or ad-blockers can help you keep your browsing experience clean and faster.

If your Internet plan is already pretty slow and you can’t upgrade, then you can try blocking ads on websites to help save on bandwidth.

Network Card

If you’re using a wireless network card, your speeds will be slower than if you were using a wired Ethernet connection. ..

Wireless AC is the only type of internet connection that can currently reach speeds faster than 100 Mbps. If you have a gigabit router or switch, then even wireless AC still can’t touch 1000 Mbps since it tops out at 866.7 Mbps. ..

That’s where the “fast” part comes in. ISPs typically advertise their speeds in terms of Mbps, but that number is often misleading. In reality, the speed you get from your ISP will depend on how quickly your computer can talk to your router. That’s why it matters so much that the normal range of ISP speeds is from 4 Mbps to 50 Mbps.

It’s worth upgrading to either N or AC if you have a lot of devices that already have wireless AC built in, like most Apple computers, many Samsung phones, etc. Connecting directly via cable will give you the fastest possible speed without having to upgrade your network card as long as it’s a gigabit port.

Wireless Router

First, make sure the router you are using is up to date. Routers can be updated through the manufacturer’s website or by downloading a new firmware. This will ensure that your router is receiving the latest security and bug fixes. Second, make sure your router has the right settings. Your router’s settings will determine how fast your Internet connection will be. For example, if you want to use a wireless network, make sure that your router has a good wireless signal and that it is in the correct location. Third, make sure your devices are connected to your router correctly. Make sure all of your devices are connected to the same network and that they are using the same type of Internet connection (wired or wireless). If you have multiple devices using different types of connections (like a laptop and an iPad), make sure each device is connected to its own separate network port on the router. Fourth, keep in mind what kind of traffic you are sending and receiving through your router. Some routers allow for more traffic than others. If you are streaming high-definition video online or downloading large files, make sure that your router can handle these types of traffic levels. ..

  1. If you have an older router, it may not be able to deliver the full speed that your ISP plan provides. If your ISP put in their own router, you don’t have to worry about that particular issue. However, I have noticed with ISP routers that they only last about a year or two before they just become miserably slow. I have always gotten my ISP routers replaced within two years and the speeds always go back up to their original highs.

Since 2.4 GHz is still the most commonly used wireless range, interference can be a huge problem. By adjusting your channel, you can avoid overlap with other networks and reduce interference. ..

If you have a weak WiFi signal, you can try boosting your signal by setting up a wireless router in a better location. If you have two routers, you can set one as a repeater and the other as an extender.

If your router is not secured properly, other people may be using your bandwidth without you having a clue. Read my previous article on stopping others from using your Internet connection.

Speedier Internet?

That pretty much covers everything! I didn’t mention any hacks or tweaks like messing with the TCP registry settings or with your network card setting because most of those speed boosts are just myths and will mess up your connection even more. If you have your own idea, feel free to post a comment. Enjoy!