If you need to relay information that can’t be shared over the phone, like your location, you can easily do so by using Facebook Messenger. This will help you make the trip in person instead. ..

If you and the target use Facebook Messenger, location tracking is possible. This means that any parent who thinks their child may be sneaking off to a party instead of a study group, can use Facebook Messenger to “check in” and determine their whereabouts.

Imagine you’re in a place where you can’t be tracked and you don’t know it. It’s creepy.

The Facebook Messenger app is a great way to stay in touch with friends, but be careful how much you share. You may not have known this before, but people can track you on social media just by having your contact information in their Facebook Messenger app. If you have a lot of friends, it’s easy for someone to find out where you are and what you’re up to.

Tracking Location Using Facebook Messenger

You can use Messenger to track someone even if they don’t have a phone. Just send them a message and ask them to show you their location.

Location Sharing

This feature is a more consensual way to track people. Facebook Messenger makes it easier for people who want to meet up by allowing friends to share their location.

You can open up a chat dialog through Facebook Messenger by tapping on the four dots found at the bottom left portion of your screen.Click Location. From there, just select Share Live Location and your friend will get to see your current location. They in turn can share their location with you. ..

Location Tags and #Hashtags

If you’re on Facebook, you can find a location tag for anyone by searching for their name and the word “location” in the search bar.

If you have left a location tag on one of the images on this website, you can just tap on it, select show location and have it pulled up on your smartphone screen. Tap on the tag text and you will be redirected to Google Maps, which will display the target’s location.

It’s not the most reliable method of discovery because the location is not currently accurate, but when the image was originally published. There is also the problem of the location tag providing an incorrect location as the publisher can post any location they choose. But it’s still worth a shot.

Third-Party Apps

Location tracking has become less consensual and more privacy invasive as cybercriminals have taken advantage of the technology. Although there are applications of location tracking that could be beneficial in a positive way, more often than not, this method has ‘cybercriminal’ written all over it. ..

IPLogger can help you to find the exact location of a friend as of the time a post was made.

To track your location, you can go to the website and choose a tracking option from the list. Enter the URL of the site you’re tracking the location from and copy the provided IPLogger code. From here, it’s all about getting your friend to click the generated URL, which you can send through Facebook Messenger. Once this happens, you’ll be able to view the location statistics directly from your browser.

The Nearby Friends Feature

This feature requires that you have the Facebook app installed. You can then enable it by going into the More Options menu and selecting Nearby Friends. Then just tap the option to turn it on.

You can now see all of your Facebook friends who are currently using the feature. Each will be listed by location, showing their physical distance between you. The closest friends will be shown first and will be accompanied by a Facebook Messenger button which you can use to open up a chat with them. ..

The feature allows anyone who is also using the app to see your location, and if they are on your friends list, they can invite you to their meetups. This feature is primarily used for real-life meetups between friends and colleagues, but can also be used by non-friends you’ve mistakenly put on your friends list.


With social media, it is easy to track the whereabouts of anyone you know. If you are friends with that person on social media, you can see where they are and vice versa. ..

When you share something online, be sure to consider who you’re sharing it with. Some people are more likely to be friendly than others, and not everyone is as welcoming as they seem. Make sure to be smart about who you share things with, and make sure that the person you’re sharing it with is actually interested in what you have to say.