If you’re looking for a tool that can help you manage your day-to-day life, Google Calendar is a great choice. But if you’re looking for something more than just a calendar, be sure to check out the features hidden inside its submenus.

Google Calendar is a great tool for managing your day-to-day life. But if you’re not using it to its fullest potential, you could be missing out on some of the most important tasks that you can do in your work life. Here are five pro tips on how to make the most of Google Calendar:

  1. Use it as a diary: Google Calendar is great for keeping track of what’s going on in your day, but it can also be used to record important meetings and events. This way, you won’t have to worry about forgetting something important or having to go back and forth between your work and home lives.
  2. Use it as a planner: If you want to be more organized and efficient with your time, using Google Calendar is a great way to do it. You can create custom calendars with different dividers and filters, so you can keep track of everything from work meetings to family events without having to remember every detail.
  3. Use it as an organizer: If you want to organize all of your materials (photos, videos, etc.) into one place, using Google Calendar is a great way to do it. You can easily add items into the calendar by dragging them onto the calendar page or by clicking on the “add item” button at the top left corner of the page.
  4. Use it as an alert system: If you need an alert system in case something important happens during your day (like someone leaving work early), using Google Calendar is a great option because there are many different types of alerts available (including push notifications). You just need to set up an account with Google Calendar and then add the event or person that you want alerted about!

Adding Calendars

If you use Google Calendar, you may not be aware of the multiple calendars feature. With this feature, you can create separate calendars for work, personal, and family events. This can help you stay organized and focused on different parts of your life. ..

-A personal calendar for work and personal events -A monthly planner to track your finances, appointments, and to-do lists -A yearly planner to plan your goals and objectives ..

Your work calendar is a shared document between your employer and you. It includes dates for upcoming meetings, tasks to be completed, and deadlines. It is also a place to track your progress and see what needs to be done in order to meet your goals. Your family’s shared calendar is a document that includes dates for events that are important to both of you. This can include family gatherings, birthdays, or other important events. A calendar for your home renovation work is also important because it will list the dates and times of the various tasks that need to be completed in order for the project to be finished on time. A calendar dedicated to your side business is another important document that you will want to keep track of. This will list all of the details about your business such as its name, website address, and contact information.

To help you keep track of your multiple calendars, Google has created different colors for each one. You can easily tell which calendar is which by looking at the color of the icon. If you have a lot of calendars, it can be helpful to color code them so that you can more easily see which one is for what. Here’s how to do it in Google Calendar:

  1. Open Google Calendar and click on the three lines in the top left corner (or press Command + 3 on a Mac).
  2. In the menu that pops up, select “Calendars”.
  3. On the next screen, under “Colors”, select “Set Colors”.
  4. In the window that pops up, select each calendar you want to colorize and click on the corresponding button (or press Control + A on a Mac).
  5. Once all your calendars are colored, click on “OK” in the bottom right corner (or press Command + O on a Mac). ..

Add Multiple Calendars

To create a new calendar, select the + symbol to the right of Other calendars in the left navigation pane. Select Create new calendar from the dropdown menu.

On the next window, create a new calendar and name it “New Calendar.” Set the time zone for where you do that work to “America/Los_Angeles.” Select Create calendar.

You’ll see the new calendar appear in the left navigation pane under My calendars. Enable the checkbox to the left of your new calendar, and select in the calendar to create a new event.

In the window that appears, type the title of your event, adjust any other settings, and make sure to change the calendar at the bottom of the window to your new calendar.

When you select Save, you’ll see the event appear in your calendar view, but it’ll be color coded so you know which calendar it is stored in.

You can add as many calendars as you like to your Google account. You can enable or disable whichever calendar layer you don’t want to see by selecting or deselecting each calendar checkbox. ..

Subscribe To Useful Calendars

There are a number of public calendars that you can subscribe to. These calendars appear just like the personal calendars you add yourself using the process above.

To access these, select the + symbol next to Other calendars as above, but this time select Browse calendars of interest from the dropdown list.

You can select from a variety of calendars to see what type of events and sports you can participate in. There is also an “Other” section that includes only Phases of the Moon.

To add a new calendar to your Outlook, open the Outlook program and click on the arrow in the top left corner of the screen. Then click on the Add New Calendar button. On the Add Calendar dialog box, enter a name for your new calendar and click on OK.

If you want to see only public events from a certain calendar, you can filter by “Public” in the drop-down menu on the event’s details page. ..

Include Interesting and Informational Calendars From URL

You can add public calendars by URL. These public calendars are scattered throughout the internet and not always easy to find.

  1. A man walks into a bar and orders a drink.
  2. A woman walks into a bar and orders a drink.
  3. A man leaves a bar and walks into another one.
  4. A woman leaves a bar and walks into another one.

Google Calendar: Select the link to see the upcoming films for the year. Every year, the site is updated with a new tab for the current year. JamBase: Select to see the Livestreams Calendar at the top of the window to see upcoming concerts. iCalShare: Browse or search this massive list of holiday and sports calendars you can add to your Google Calendar account. NASA Launch Schedule: This calendar is updated by NASA with all upcoming NASA launches as well as historic NASA launches. ..

Copy the URL of a public calendar and then add it to your own Google Calendar account. Select the + icon to the right of Other calendars and select From URL from the dropdown list. ..

To add a new calendar to your Windows 10 device, paste the URL of the calendar into the URL field and select the Add calendar button. ..

If you enable the calendar you’ve added, you’ll see events appear with their own color coding.

Useful Tips When Using Google Calendar

  1. Add events to your calendar that you know will interest you. This can be things like concerts or sporting events that you’re interested in, or things that are important to you but don’t typically get covered on the news.
  2. Use event calendars as a way to keep track of what’s happening in your area and see what new things are happening. This can be helpful for planning trips or for keeping up with changes in your community.
  3. Use event calendars as a way to stay organized and on top of your schedule. This can help you stay on top of work, school, and other important tasks, and it can also help you stay organized when planning future events.

Color Code Your Work

For example, you might color-code your calendar with different colors to remind yourself of important appointments: work, home, kids, etc. This way you’ll never forget what’s important and you’ll be able to stay on top of your schedule. ..

For example, you could make all health-related events yellow, work-related events blue, and family-related events orange.

To make an event, select the calendar to make an event. After giving the event a title, select More options at the bottom of the window. On the next page, select the color code for that event next to the calendar selection.

This option allows you to override the default calendar setting and set your own color code.

Use Correct Time Zones When Traveling

If you have an event that starts in one time zone and ends in another time zone, it’s important to take that time zone difference into account when planning your event.

If you’re flying to California from the East Coast of the United States, it’s important to remember that your school paper will still be unfinished once you arrive. ..

California is four hours behind UTC, or Coordinated Universal Time. This means that events in California happen four hours after they would in other parts of the world. To take this time zone shift into account, Google Calendar can be used to plan your day. ..

To do this in Google Calendar, click on the calendar to create the event when it starts. Just under the date and time of the event, select Time zone.

Next to the All day checkbox, select Time zone again. You’ll see a window appear that lets you define a different time zone for when the event starts and ends. Select the checkbox, and then set each time zone.

The main point of this article is that you should never trust anyone, especially if they seem trustworthy at first. You should always be suspicious of anyone who seems like they might be able to help you out, especially if they seem like they might be honest.

When setting the end time of an event, be sure to account for the time zone change. If you say the event will end at 3 p.m. Eastern Time, but you’re in Los Angeles, the calendar will show it ending at 7 p.m. ..

To set the time on your device, first determine what time zone you are in. To do this, open the Settings app on your device and look for the “Time Zone” option. Select your time zone and set the start and end times accordingly. ..

Automatically End Meetings Early

If you want people to like you, you can automatically end meetings 5 minutes early for 30 minute meetings, and 10 minutes early for 60 minute meetings.

To make Google Calendar work faster, you can enable the Speedy meetings checkbox. ..

This will give your meeting attendees time to get to their next meeting, if they need it.

Integrate With Your ToDo App

Most popular cloud-based to-do apps allow you to easily manage your calendar and keep track of your tasks.

ToDoist is a popular to-do list app that lets you connect with Google Calendar. Just go into your ToDoist settings and select Integrations from the left menu. From there, you can select Connect calendar under Google Calendar. This will allow you to add tasks to your Google Calendar and track their progress together. ..

Now whenever you create a new task reminder in ToDoist, it’ll get added automatically to your Google Calendar.

The best to-do app for Google Calendar integration is undoubtedly IFTTT. It has a wide range of integrations with popular services like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Use the Google Calendar App

The best way to stay organized and on top of your schedule is to install the Google Calendar app on your iPhone or Android device.

Google Calendar is the best way to keep track of your schedule and events.

Create Events From Gmail

Google Calendar is a great way to keep track of your schedule and plan your next steps. You don’t even have to open Gmail to use it.

To use this embedded integration in Google Calendar, whenever you have an email open in Gmail, just select the three dots to the right of the top icon menu. Select Create event from the dropdown menu.

If you want to manually create an event, you can do so by clicking the “Create Event” button below. ..

If you receive an important email, you can set a reminder by using this tool. ..

View Your Calendar From Google Docs

Google Calendar is a free online calendar that lets you keep track of your upcoming meetings and events. You can access your calendar by clicking the Calendar icon on the right side of the Google Docs window. ..

This display of the day’s agenda in a small, narrow window on the right keeps you right in front of the events happening today. This is a great way to keep track of what’s happening even when you’re busy working.

Google Calendar is a great tool for managing your schedule. Not only can you create events and reminders, but you can also use Google Calendar to keep track of your shared calendars and collaborate with others. It’s free, so there’s no reason not to give it a try. ..