What is Mobile Hotspot Tethering?

Most phones or devices that can connect to the cellular network can share the connection. It can share it with devices in a very small area via WiFi or Bluetooth connection.

Tethering is the process of connecting two devices wirelessly or with a wire like a USB cable. When you do, you’re tethering them.

The mobile hotspot setting on your device will allow you to share its Internet connection with other people. You can name the connection and set a password so that others can connect their devices.

How Can That be Dangerous?

  1. You can’t do it.
  2. It’s too hard.
  3. It’s not worth the effort.
  4. It’s not worth the risk.

Your Cellular Data Bill Could Shoot Up Drastically

Did you ever share your WiFi password with a friend, only to find by the end of the night your Internet speed has slowed down to a crawl? Then you get on your router and you see half the apartment building is on your network? Sorry, but that’s human nature.

You give the password to one person, and ask them not to give it to anyone else. Then they’re talking with a friend of theirs, and think, “Well, it’s only one more person. It won’t be a big deal. They won’t give the password to anyone else.” And that chain just continues.

That’s what happened to my cell phone. I only had 5GB of data, but 5 people were streaming Netflix. An hour later and I was paying hundreds of dollars for someone to watch The Hills Have Eyes 3.

Your Information Could be Intercepted

Whenever you send information through the air, it becomes more vulnerable to interception than if it’s travelling through the air. There are several ways that this could be done, such as a man-in-the-middle attack or intercepting the transmission via packet sniffing. ..

When someone tethers to your phone, you are creating a two-way street. If you’re the one providing access, you may be open to attack from your guest. If you’re the guest, you may be providing a way for the host to frolic through your phone.

Confidential Data Could be Leaked

If you’re a business owner, you might be at risk of losing data if someone connects their laptop to their cellphone to circumvent your network. This could include your client list and pricing strategy, which you would not be able to stop if it happened. ..

Your Phone Battery Will Drain Much Quicker

If you rely on your phone for communication, it could be a problem if there’s no cell tower nearby. Your phone already uses a lot of power to check and see if there is a cell signal.

Tethering your phone to a WiFi router can increase its battery life by up to 30% compared to using a cell phone without a WiFi connection.

When your battery drains quickly, it can get very hot. That can be dangerous if you leave it on a soft surface like a couch or bed. ..

How to Tether to Your Mobile Device Safely

In life, you should aim for a degree of security that is reasonable, not complete.

Only allow people to tether that you trust implicitly. For most people, that’s a short list. I’m talking about people you would trust with your bank card and PIN. Which you should never do either. Limit the amount of time that you allow tethering. If you need to tether to submit a report to your boss, get on the tether, e-mail the report, then shut off tethering.If your phone supports it, limit access to allowed devices only.If you allow tethering for any longer than necessary, keep an eye on what devices are connected. If you don’t recognize them, or there’s too many, shut of your mobile hotspot immediately

Don’t use the same password for tethering more than once. If you’ve allowed a friend to tether once, and they see that your phone is hotspot again, they’re likely to jump on. Or, if the connection is saved, their phone might connect even without them knowing it. Now you’re downloading updates for their sports apps on your dime. Phones will often generate a password or PIN number for you. Some phones do this from a limited number of words or default PINs making it easier for someone to brute force a connection to your phone.Consider using a virtual private network when tethered to someone’s mobile hotspot. Really, you should use a VPN when connected to anyone else’s network, period.Make sure that you have somewhere to charge your phone. You’re going to drain it quickly and if it’s your only lifeline you must be able to charge it up quickly.If you’re a business owner and you don’t have Mobile Device Management (MDM) system and a strong computer and phone use policy in place, you’re going to pay sooner or later. Decide to pay a known amount for the MDM or decide to potentially lose your business by betting against the odds. Your call."

The Reality of Safe Mobile Hotspot Tethering

What could happen if you don’t take precautions? How can you be sure that your computer is safe if new hacking techniques are being developed?

Is it likely that you’ll get hacked through tethering? There are no statistics on that, but no one thinks they’ll get in a car accident either. The sad fact is that almost everyone gets in a car accident of some sort. If they’re lucky, it’s a paint chip. If they aren’t, it’s a life altering event. So, we all get insurance.

Mobile hotspot tethering can be a dangerous way to connect to the internet. Follow these tips and be sure you’re never at risk of getting hacked.