I wanted to be able to keep my folders in My Documents or wherever I had them and still have them sync with the cloud services. I learned that the best way to do this is to use symbolic links in Windows. A symbolic link is kind of like creating a shortcut to a folder, but it’s more permanent and acts like a separate folder, even though it’s not.

If you want to sync a folder on your computer with your cloud service, there are a few different ways to do it. One way is to use symbolic links. Symbolic links are just like regular links, but they point to files instead of folders. When you create a symbolic link, Windows creates an entry in the file system that points to the real file, but the real file is actually located at the location that the symbolic link points to. For example, if you wanted to create a symbolic link called “My Documents” that points to your Google Drive folder, you would type this command into Windows Explorer: “C:\Users\username\Documents\Google Drive” When you create a symbolic link like this, Windows will automatically create an entry in the “My Documents” folder on your computer that points to the Google Drive folder. You can then access the Google Drive folder just like any other folder on your computer by using the pathname “C:\Users\username\Documents\Google Drive”. ..

Sync Folders to Dropbox and OneDrive

If you’re not familiar with OneDrive, it’s a cloud storage service that Microsoft offers for free. It’s similar to Google Drive, iCloud and Dropbox in that you can access your files from any device with an internet connection. You can also share files with other people who have OneDrive accounts. ..

To move a file from OneDrive to the OneDrive folder, follow these steps:

  1. Open OneDrive and click on the arrow in the top left corner of the screen. This will take you to the My Documents folder.
  2. In My Documents, click on the arrow in the top left corner of the screen and select OneDrive Test.
  3. Click on the arrow in the top right corner of OneDrive Test and select Move to OneDrive.
  4. In OneDrive, select your new location for One Drive Test and click on OK.

copy C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\test This will copy the OneDrive Test folder to your OneDrive account folder.

We are creating a symbolic link (symlink) using the mklink command. The first parameter is the location of the symbolic link you want to create and the second is the source directory. The mklink command takes two parameters: the first is the location of the symbolic link you want to create and the second is the name of your desired folder. You can use any name you want for your desired folder.

Windows is creating a symbolic link called “Personal” in the OneDrive folder called “OneDrive” that points to the C:\Test\OneDrive Test folder. After the link is created, you’ll see the Personal folder inside of OneDrive.

If you open the OneDrive Personal folder, the path will show as if it’s stored in OneDrive\Personal, when it actually is stored in the Test folder. So now you can add files to the folder from either location and both will have the same contents since it’s actually one folder, not two. That’s it!

OneDrive: OneDrive supports symbolic link folders, which means that you can easily store and access files across devices. For example, if you have a folder called “Pictures” on your computer and you want to store pictures in the cloud, OneDrive will create a symbolic link to the “Pictures” folder on the Dropbox account. This will allow you to access all of your pictures from anywhere in the world.

Sync Folders to Google Drive

Google Drive will now ask you to create a new account. If you already have an account with Google, just enter your login information. If you don’t have an account yet, create one now. Once you have an account, Google will ask you to choose a name for your drive. You can call it anything you like, but make sure to remember it so that you can find your drive later on. Finally, Google will ask for a password. Make sure to remember this too so that you can access your files! ..

You can choose to backup only photos and videos, or add file extensions that you do not want to sync.

Sync your folders to your local PC to make sure you have a backup in case something happens to your computer. ..

Sync any folder on your computer with your cloud service. Either you’ll have to create a symbolic link or there may be a feature whereby you can pick the folders you want to sync. If you have any questions or problems, post a comment here and I’ll try to help. ..