In this article, I’ll cover a couple of really useful right-click context menu editors that I use all the time. These extra menu options can help you navigate Windows faster and perform file operations more easily. If you’re looking for a way to speed up your work on Windows, or to manage files more easily, then you’ll want to check out these two handy right-click context menu editors. They can help you do things like open files quickly, access common commands, and more. ..

File Menu Tools

FileMenu Tools is a handy app that makes it easy to add more options to the context menu. You can add built-in utilities to the context menu that perform certain operations over files and folders. Basically, it just adds one item to the main right-click menu and that one item can then be customized to have as many or as few of the pre-configured options you choose.

  1. Create a new Folder and name it “MyFolder”
  2. Add a File to the MyFolder
  3. Drag and drop a File from Explorer to the MyFolder

The new Windows 10 operating system includes a number of features that allow users to customize their experience. One of these features is the ability to add commands to the context menu which let you run external applications, copy/move files to a specific folder, or delete files by specific file type. Additionally, you can configure the Send To submenu option in Explorer so that files are sent to the correct location on your computer. ..

-Open a new file -Open a previous file -Copy/paste text from one file to another -Cut/copy/paste text from one file to another -Save changes to a file

This tool synchronizes folders and files in two different locations. You can configure the synchronization type (unidirectional, bidirectional, etc.) and the file types which you want to have synchronized.

This item deletes all the PDF files in a folder. The file types are specified with wildcards, for example: *.txt, *.t??, etc. ..

This program can split and join files. ..

Copy Name – A utility that copies the name of all selected elements to the clipboard. So if you want to get a list of all files in a folder into a text file, you can simply select them, right-click and choose Copy Name.

Change Time – Changes the creation time, the last access time, and the last write time of all files and folders underneath.

This utility displays the size of folders in a quick and easy way. You can see how large a folder is by simply viewing it in this utility.

Shred Files – Makes it impossible to recover the selected files with advanced recovering tools.

If you don’t need all those options in the right-click context menu, you can simply uncheck them in the program interface. It’s best to first play around with each one and see whether you’ll actually use it or not. I only have about 5 of the 30 or 40 options they include, but I use those 5 quite often. Also, you can customize the Send To menu and add/remove commands from other apps via the other tabs as shown below.

If you’re looking for a way to customize the right-click menu in Windows Explorer, then this is the ultimate tool for that purpose! It basically combines many smaller apps into one integrated all-in-one utility, making it easier to find what you’re looking for. ..

Right-Click Context Menu Adder

File Menu Tools doesn’t let you add items directly to the right-click menu. Instead, it creates its own main menu item and then adds all the other options in the sub-menu. This can be a bad thing because it never causes a performance problem when right-clicking. The programs that add directly to the context menu can sometimes make it really slow, especially if you add a bunch of new menu items.

Right-Click Context Menu Adder is a handy utility that lets you customize the main right-click menu in Windows. Just download it and run it, which thankfully doesn’t even require an install.

Context Menu Adder is a tool that allows you to add items to the context menu in a variety of ways. There are no pre-configured options or options to choose from, so you have to decide what type of item you want to add and how you want it added.

I use this program to add folders and websites. I find it really handy because I tend to open the same folders in Explorer all the time and this saves me a lot of time. When adding a program, you can choose from an EXE, MSI or batch file. If you have scripts that you like to run on your computer, you can add them to the context menu for easy access. ..

You can choose the icon, position, and text you want to show up in the context menu. You can also only show your new options when you press the SHIFT key and then right click. This feature is useful because it doesn’t clutter up your right-click menu normally, but only when you need it.

If you want to add the context menu to the Start Menu as well, just follow these same steps, but choose “Add to Start Menu” when you’re prompted. ..

If you want to remove anything, just click on the second tab and you’ll be able to get rid of anything you added to the context menu. Other than that, there aren’t really any other options or features to the program. It works well for what it does and I actually use it in combination with File Menu Tools, since they kind of let you do different things with the context menu.

Easy Context Menu

Easy Context Menu is a program that I like to recommend to friends. It has a very simple interface where you just check everything that you want for the different context menus.

This program is great for breaking down the options by context menu. You can add something to just the desktop right-click, to My Computer right-click, to only a folder right-click, etc.

Windows Explorer is a program that you use to explore your computer. It has a context menu that you can use to add and remove menu items. You can also click on the mouse button at the top with the green plus sign to apply the changes.

If you right-click on an Explorer window, you will see the changes appear immediately. The only other thing you have to understand is the way the three columns work. Icon will simply display an icon next to the menu item in the context menu. Shift + Click will either be enabled or disabled. If enabled, you’ll only see the item when you press and hold the SHIFT key. Lastly, the position is where you want the menu item to appear. You can change these three options for each item listed by select it and then clicking on Edit at top.

You can control the visibility of icons in a Windows 10 computer by using the Settings app. There are three settings that you can use to control how icons are displayed: Use Icon, No Icon, and Enable Shift. The first setting is used to show icons only if the user has enabled them in the system settings. The second setting is used to show icons only if they are at the top of the screen. The third setting is used to show icons only if they are checked.

Configuring the right-click context menu in Windows 10 is a little more complicated than it seems. Here are three tools to help you get started: One tool, called Right Click, is designed to help you configure your context menu exactly the way you want. If you have another tool that does a better job, let us know in the comments and we’ll update this post with the best results.